Practitioner Form: Professional Page Info

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Welcome to TeleWeCure Practitioner Data Entry Form

Please answer all the fields accurately. We will use the data from this form to create professional pages for you and your practice.

We may slightly edit this name if necessary
If licensed in more than one province/state, select the main one.
What is your profession?
Which specialty?
In what languages can you communicate with patients efficiently?
What are your main areas of expertise/interest
Check as many as you want
Types of services you can provide (you can select both)
Which one is the faster way to reach you?
Used for communications with TeleWeCure support
Check all time slots that you are available for online visits.
8-9 AM
9-10 AM
10-11 AM
11-12 AM
12-1 PM
1-2 PM
2-3 PM
3-4 PM
4-5 PM
5-6 PM
6-7 PM
7-8 PM
8-9 PM
9-10 PM
10-11 PM
11-12 PM

Maximum file size: 1MB

Best shape: Square

Maximum file size: 0.3MB

Best width to height ratio is 4:1
How many locations (clinics/offices) do you work at?

Work Places

Address of work place (clinic/office)
Address of work place (clinic/office)
This field is not required but will be helpful for your potential patients

Maximum file size: 1MB

Uploading a cover image is not mandatory but it is very recommended. If you don't have a ready image, you can do this later from your TeleWeCure Business Dashboard. Recommended size: 1200x300 pixels
Address of location (clinic/office) 2
Address of location (clinic/office) 2
This field is not required but will be helpful for your potential patients

Maximum file size: 1MB

Uploading a cover image is not mandatory but it is very recommended. If you don't have a ready image, you can do this later from your TeleWeCure Business Dashboard. Recommended size: 1200x300 pixels

Main areas of expertise: 1

Your Social Media addresses (Optional)

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