Welcome To HealthZone

HealthZone is the TeleWeCure’s gateway to your personal tele-rehabilitation services

TeleWeCure Telerehabilitation services

HealthZone is a product of TeleWeCure

TeleWeCure is a unique social networking environment for those suffering from Disability. If you are not already a member of TeleWeCure, it is strongly recommended that you join and enjoy helping others and letting others help you!

Say Goodbye to your disability

Telerehabilitation is a scientifically proven method to treat disabling problems such as Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and Traumatic Brain Injuries

telerehabilitation for disability

Request personalized rehabilitation program

Patient's and their caregivers are the center for the treatment of disabling problems.

Ask TeleWeCure AI

Ask about Assistive Devices

Our professionals will provide a list of the most appropriate assistive devices and medical equipment to buy, based on your personal condition.

Request Professional feedback for free

Request opinion on your condition

A professional will review your condition and gives you a comprehensive personalized feedback.

Why Choose telerehabilitation?

Online rehabilitation is for patients suffering from disability, who have at least one of these conditions:

Unable to attend long-term in-clinic rehabilitation sessions due to severe disability, difficult transportation, etc.

The patient lives in a remote or rural area that is underserved in terms of in-person rehabilitation services.

Caregivers do not have enough time or energy to take the patient to the clinics for multiple sessions.

Elderly patients who are immunocompromised and fearful of acquiring infectious diseases